Enhanced Glazing and Surface Decoration
Every other Tuesday 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Service Description
This newly enhanced class will explore glazes and surface decoration. It is intended for artists who want to up their game in glazing and explore other techniques that can be used as stand-alone decoration or in conjunction with glazes. Students will be encouraged to discover and evaluate their own unique designs and combinations. **Please contact the office to register for this class. Prerequisites: -Basic knowledge of glazes offered at Clay Space, including a working understanding of each glaze’s basic characteristics. -Basic understanding of the use of wax resist, oxides, slip, underglaze, and interactive pigments. -Willingness to explore both in class AND on your own time using materials provided and your own work. Supplies Required: -4 – 6 completed and bisque fired pieces. 2 – 3 must have texture. Please bring bowls, mugs, plates, or platers. -1” foam brush and 1 – 2 other brushes (flat, angled, round). Some will be provided for use in class. It is recommended you own some brushes specifically for wax resist techniques. -Notebook to record your work and techniques learned. -Clay Space will provide 2-3 small bowls/cups per student. Class Structure: The class will span eight weeks and MEET AS GROUP EVERY OTHER WEEK for four total classes that are two hours long. This will give participants an opportunity to spend time between classes applying the techniques we are learning. Each class, we will start by discussing one or two topics. We will be working in the glazing area and the hand building area to explore techniques depending on the topic discussed. After a Q&A, the class can begin working on their own with help from the instructor. Exploration is vital to your success in this class. It is critical that each student spends their own time exploring what they have learned using their own bisqueware and pieces provided by Clay Space. Schedule: Oct 1: Wax Resist with glaze combinations. Oct 15: Underglaze, underglaze transfers, and bubble glazing. Plan to have 3" flat greenware or bisque tiles for underglazes. Oct 29: Oxides and mason stains for texture. Bring a few textured pieces of bisqueware. Nov 12: Slips and engobes. Please bring a mask for using dry chemicals, flat tiles, and a bowl/mug in greenware (not more than leather hard) state, along with at least one piece of bisqueware. Final: 60 – 90 minute session will be scheduled for us to reconvene and review our final work (that will now be glaze fired).
Cancellation Policy
Clay space reserves the right to cancel any workshop or class for good cause, including but not limited to: lack of sign-ups, illness of instructor, extreme weather conditions, etc. If a class or workshop is cancelled by Clay Space, we will refund payment. We offer full refunds for cancellations made more than 10 days out from a class or workshop and 50% refunds made between 5 and 10 days before a class or workshop. There are no refunds for cancellations made within 5 days of a class or workshop. All refunds are for the designated amount minus the services fee charged to us. To cancel your class or workshop reservation, please email us at office@clayspaceeugene.com to receive a refund. To cancel your open table, wheel, or glazing station reservation, go to my bookings under your user profile.
Contact Details
222 Polk Street, Eugene, OR, USA